Chronic Wasting Disease Statistics Study Suggests Minnesota Does Not Sufficiently Test Free-Ranging Deer
Howard Lake, MN- A new study reviewing Chronic Wasting Disease sampling in Minnesota reveals possible gaps in understanding where CWD exists in free-ranging deer in Minnesota. The Elk Research Foundation (also known as the Elk Research Council) reported its findings in a study entitled, “Report on CWD Surveillance and Outcomes in Free-Ranging and Farmed Cervids in Minnesota.” This study analyzed CWD sampling data performed in free-ranging and farmed cervid herds in Minnesota from 2014-2016.
The study concluded that, “Overall, we have a greater than 99.9% confidence in every year that the prevalence of CWD in the farmed cervid populations was 1% or less, based on testing results.” The same could not be said of the free-ranging test data.
Read More… CWD Testing Statistics in Minnesota
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